Elected Officials Need to Remember Who They Work For

Elected Officials Need to Remember Who They Work For

In the aftermath of Tuesday’s election, Bloomberg Report made a troubling prediction that the Democrats in Congress would use their newfound majority in the House to obstruct the President.

At CountyCoverup.com we stay out of the political loop of picking party A or B. However, we do emphasize the importance of holding officials accountable to the public, regardless of their party affiliation. As an example, we reported on Keith Faber’s tax issue. He won the position of State Auditor, and we wish him the best as he serves all the citizens in Ohio.

Too often traditional media is in the “pockets” of those in political power. Our hope, in this evolving new media movement, is that politicians understand that truth and transparency is what will prevail regardless of whether or not they have the big traditional media outlets on their side. Therefore, politicians, regardless of their political affiliation, would be more compelled to be upfront with the citizens they serve as opposed to trying to hide behind the traditional media outlets who often cover for them.

We have uncovered and reported on many issues of concern about some of the officials in Mercer County. Despite these concerns, numerous elected officials do their jobs and serve the citizens admirably.

As participants in this great democracy, we need to trust but verify what each of our government officials are doing. In the spirit of our most recent election, where we shifted the leadership of the House of Representatives, our representatives need to serve the citizens they represent equally and not just serve their own personal agendas. So often the people we put in office forget that they work for us. We provide their paychecks. And we expect them to give all citizens excellent and honest service!

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