The FBI is now Involved in the Child Sexual Abuse Crimes We Reported on Last Week

The FBI is now Involved in the Child Sexual Abuse Crimes We Reported on Last Week

We are glad to report that the FBI did contact us and is beginning the process of investigating the child sex crimes we reported on last week. We have multiple affidavits and parties willing to speak with the FBI and the evidence is clear.

However, it is truly sad that the FBI has to get involved in this as a case of public corruption. We have the evidence. Father Dorn and two parents are on the record of giving information to Jeff Grey of very serious child sex crimes. All of these parties are credible witnesses. We have the documents from Mercer County verifying no investigation was done and what is worse? Jeff Grey intentionally did not pass this information onto the parties that had jurisdiction.

Yesterday we became aware that Mercer County Prosecutor Matt Fox was also notified of these crimes in a timely fashion and Matt Fox chose to do nothing. In addition, Chris Hamberg, from Mike DeWine’s office, has known about these crimes for years and has done nothing.

The Ohio Revised Code, under section 2151.42, requires mandatory reporting of crimes involving “abuse” of minors. All parties involved knew that these incidents occurred in Findlay, OH yet none of them followed Ohio law and reported this to the jurisdiction where the crimes occurred. In this case, Jeff Grey, Matt Fox and Chris Hamberg have all violated Ohio Revised Code 2151.42. However, in this instance, the “criminals” have the badge, the power to prosecute and the supervisory role. If the Mercer County Mafia is willing to cover up a crime as horrific as the sexual abuse of children what else have they covered up and why?

Additionally, regarding obstruction of justice, the Ohio Revised Code 2921.31 required Grey, Fox, and Hamberg to report these crimes to Findlay as they had jurisdiction. All three of these parties have violated this code. They had an obligation to pursue the facts in this case and to pursue justice for the victims.

We at have gotten the FBI involved. We ask that you, the citizens, to pressure the Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to intervene. Mr. Dewine wants to be your governor. Can Ohio risk having a governor who cannot, at the very least, investigate a crime that is this serious? Please contact his office this week at 800-282-0515 and demand an investigation. If he doesn’t I’m sure his opponent for Governor will ask him why he did not investigate the cover-up of these heinous sex crimes against children and left it to the FBI to deal with.

3 Replies to “The FBI is now Involved in the Child Sexual Abuse Crimes We Reported on Last Week”

  1. Please send me the link, I know someone who may benefit from talking to someone from your news team. You may be interested in what this person can or will prove that this situation is a serious problem for the community!

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